ScareYouToSleep Design

A podcast website



The Client

As mentioned this is just a design, and if you do not know me. I make website designs for creators I enjoy in order to practice. This is one of those designs so this is not an official website/ design made for the ScareYouToSleep podcast.

The Goal

The goal of this design was to make a minimal website that would fit the darker side of the podcast. While also effectively displaying the information about the podcast and the host.



This page displays the latest podcast episode first thing in the hero section of the home page. This would be done using a WordPress plugin but it is just a design in adobe XD. The website also has an about me with a dropdown tab F.A.Q and a Podcast page to display all episodes.

About/ F.A.Q page

On this page you will find a short paragraph to tell the hosts story/ inspiration. Below that is a toggle menu to answer basic questions.

Podcast page

Design based on spotify design for their podcasts. That is to make it easier for users to automatically be more comfortable with using the website.

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